Auld Lang Syne

December 30, 2024

Woman in the background holding a lit sparkler

Dear Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Dreamers, and Creators of Great Things: I write these Love Letters each month with the hope of bringing you a little encouragement, some marketing help, and a few minutes of joy. Whether we are already friends or have yet to meet, I hope you’ll enjoy my stories from the road and some awesomely random takeaways, tools, tips, and updates.

I hate when I get a song stuck in my head. 

It’s even worse when it is playing over and over at three o’clock in the morning. And it’s the absolute worst when you realize you don’t actually know what the words mean. That’s how I found myself Googling “what does auld lang syne mean?” in the middle of the night last week. Turns out, it literally translates to “old long since.” Or more easily, “times gone by.”

It doesn’t surprise me that a poem about the good old days has become the theme song for New Year’s Eve. Most of us will hear it when the clock strikes midnight, ushering in a brand new year. It’s nostalgic to look at years past with rose colored glasses. After all, it’s easier than looking forward at the great unknown.

If you are reading this, you are likely facing significant change in the year ahead. And the natural human response to change is, “ugh.” It’s much simpler, safer, and more comfortable if things stay the same. In fact, for some of us, we like things the way they are. They are working for us. We might even be doing pretty darn great. But, the greatest threat to our business is falling in love with our winning formula. In fact, when it comes to our business plans, the seven most expensive words are usually, “we have always done it this way.”

I have been working though this workbook from YearCompass for the past week. It’s a fantastic (free) tool that helps you look back, review, and plan forward. My favorite part of the workbook is page 12, where it states, “You’re done with the past year. Say goodbye.”

Even if you’ve had the best year ever, the page is turning at midnight. Looking backwards in reflection is fine, but as they say, what got you here won’t get you there. So let’s drink a cup of kindness and celebrate the good. But then it’s time to face the year ahead with open minds and nimble plans.

It’s not what has worked in the past that matters.
It’s what you’ve learned from it.
Those lessons are what will propel you forward when change comes.

Happy New Year, friends.

If your team or organization needs a fresh take on navigating change, I’d be honored to help you. I have some keynotes and workshops that will knock your socks off. 


image with the words In the Rearview, lessons learned and stories from the road

Three things I’ve read that are helping me with my forward planning:

Things I Do Not Have To Do At The End Of This Year
by Brandi Kincaid
1. Leave myself at the door
2. Punish myself for anything I did or did not do.
3. Let anyone else’s accomplishments change how I feel about my own.
4. Create an unrealistic set of goals for next year.
5. Believe that I’m the only one who hasn’t got it all figured out.

What’s the Point?
by Jay Acunzo
The point isn’t to get your work shared. The point is to make stuff worth sharing.
The point isn’t to generate subscribers. The point is to make stuff worth subscribing to.
As we had into Resolutions Territory, please try this one:
Don’t market more. Matter more.


by Jon Acuff
Want a simple goal you can accomplish in 2025?
Do less of what you like and more of what you love.
I like watching Netflix. I love holding a book I’ve written in my hands.
I like scrolling Instagram. I love the endorphins I feel all day after a workout.
I like the ease of one-click shopping for things I might not really need but want in the moment. I love the long term career freedom that comes with paying off our house.
Trade likes for loves and over time you’ll build a remarkable life.


image of a record player with words saying rockstars, awesome ideas, people, and tools

This is where I share the good stuff.

… the latest websites, books, & tools that are inspiring me, the people who are making me smile, and the stuff I have been writing on sticky notes.


  • Watch this at the beginning of every day for a week. It will change your life.
  • If you only buy one new kitchen tool this year, make it this one.
  • The three books that had the biggest impact on me this year:
  • If you have read this far, I have a special year-end gift for you. Use this link for a FREE download of the audio version of my book. There are only 50 available, so don’t wait


Have you bought my book yet?
If not – what the heck are you waiting for?  You can find the links here.  If you have ordered it – thank you! Also, please take a few minutes to leave a review on the site you ordered from. It means the world to me, so thank you!

Thanks for reading, friends! If you want to get these in your inbox every month, be sure to get on the mailing list. And if you are looking for a speaker who will motivate your organization to get up, get moving, and face change head-on, I would love to chat.